In the summer of 2020, I started my mandatory internship at Studio Fizbin GmbH in Ludwigsburg. For six months, I worked on several commercial projects, each of which was in different stages of development. During the internship I was able to gain extremely valuable experience and get a first impression of working in the games industry.
The game Say No! More was the game I was most involved in during my internship.
In the last months of development I was actively involved and among other things I extended and implemented the
user interface, some tools and gameplay systems as well as parts of the input system. I was also involved
in the QA process and tested the game extensively as well as logged and also fixed problems and bugs.
Working on the game was a very exciting and intense experience for me. The close cooperation with the other team members and the
feedback on my work were especially helpful for me.
(Many thanks at this point and greetings to all involved!)
On Studio Fizbin's latest release, Minute of Islands, I was not involved
in development but only in QA. It was very interesting to go through the professional workflow and support the team in finding final
In parallel, I also worked in QA for two apps developed for the german public broadcaster.
In the last weeks of my internship, I worked on a new project from Studio Fizbin. The project Kokidon was still in pre-production at that time. The opportunity to work intensively on a new project was a very special and exciting experience for me. Being able to attend the kick-off and the first weeks of a big, commercial, next-gen production was very educational for me and provided some very exciting insights. Working on this project, I learned a lot about communication between departments and the challenges of a complex software project in general.